Home / Inspections / Agriculture and Environmental Protection


I Department

  1. The use of agricultural land and its protection against being used for non-agricultural purposes.
  2. Production of raw tobacco.

II Department

  1. Production of and trade in alcoholic beverages – wine, brandy and beer.
  2. The use of pure alcohol to produce vinegar and hygiene products.

III Department

  1. Measures for improving livestock production.
  2. Reimbursements and milk premium payments.

IV Department

  1. Production of and trade in food products of plant origin.
  2. Inspection and sampling of products.
  3. Harvest, sown areas of industrial crops, inventory of the stocks of wheat, interventions by the petitions of the parties, the eligibility of all listed areas.

Inspectors have authority in their respective areas of work in the entire district (in all four municipalities).


  • Telephone: +381 18 855-378




  1. The Law on Plant Protection Products
  2. The Forest Law
  3. The Law on Seed






A single inspector exercises control over the entire district with respect to the construction of buildings and other activities which can cause qualitative and quantitative environmental changes. He/she performs the following duties:

  1. Controls the water management permits, approvals, certificates, water registers
  2. Controls the manner of utilisation of water management facilities
  3. Controls the water regime and quality in natural and artificial watercourses, in the pipes, as well as groundwater
  4. Controls the functionality, safety and efficacy of the wastewater treatment equipment
  5. Controls the compliance with the prescribed water regime
  6. Prohibits the execution of construction works which do not comply with the water management approval.
  7. Issues an order on demolition of buildings and facilities constructed without water management approval
  8. Issues an order on the cessation of business operations for those companies which have been proven to discharge waste waters containing hazardous substances in a greater quantity than permitted.


  • Water Management Inspection Pirot

    Office N° 4

    Telephone:+381 10 321-159




In performing inspection control a veterinary inspector has a right and duty to check the following:

1) Whether the owners and keepers of animals implement the prescribed measures in accordance with Act 6 of the Veterinary Law (hereinafter: the Law)

2) Whether veterinary organisations which perform veterinary activities have been registered in the Register of Business Entities;

3) Compliance with the terms from Act 8, Sections 4 and 5 of the Law

4) Whether the veterinary service as an organisation or other legal entity engaged in the breeding of livestock or livestock production complies with the terms from Article 17 of the Law

5) Whether the veterinary pharmacy or veterinary clinic founded by an unemployed veterinary complies with the terms from Article 16, i.e. Article 19 of the Law;

6) Whether the veterinary pharmacy or veterinary clinic from Article 11 of the Law, which are engaged in veterinary activities, has been registered in the Register of Entrepreneurs;

7) Whether the subjects who perform veterinary services have secured proper business hours in the matters of emergency and other urgent situations in which they provided veterinary assistance and services, in accordance with Article 36 of the Law;

8) Implementation of animal health protection measures by legal entities, as well as by animal owners and keepers;

9) Implementation of special animal health protection programmes;

10) Whether a veterinary services provider has a HACCP programme;

11) Compliance with veterinary and sanitary conditions in the facilities from Article 72 of the Law

12) Registration of the facilities from Act 72 of the Law into the Register of Facilities and the Register of Veterinary Export Facilities

13) Whether households are registered, animals identified and records kept in accordance with the provisions of the Law, as well as whether one is keeping records on the purchase and sale of animals, and reporting the change of location for the purposes of registration and check out from the Central base;

14) Activities of the authorised veterinary station, i.e. clinic and veterinary service in the process of identifying animals and keeping record on them;

15) Production of and trade in animals, animal products, food of animal origin, animal feed and refuse;

16) Issuing certificates on animal health, as well as keeping record on issued certificates;

17) Technical and sanitary conditions of the vehicles used for the transport of animals, animal products and animal refuse, as well as veterinary and sanitary conditions of the facilities used for loading, reloading and unloading of animals during transport;

18) Whether the quarantine complies with the terms from Article 98, Section 2 of the Law;

19) Whether veterinary and sanitary control of the game is performed after the capture or cull;

20) Animal health, the safety of the food of animal origin for human consumption and health, sanitary and qualitative safety of the products of animal origin and animal feed;

21) The manner of keeping, storing and using the means of disinfection, pest and rodent control in a skilled and professional manner;

22) Whether veterinary and sanitary control is performed in the facilities where animal carcasses and other refuse are collected, processed and removed.

23) Whether harmless removal and transport of refuse from the production site to the facility for collection, processing and removal has been performed;

24) Keeping the prescribed documentation in accordance with the Law;

25) Raw materials, production and technological processes for the products intended for export, in accordance with specific requirements of importing countries;

26) Calculation of remuneration for the performed veterinary and sanitary inspection of consignments in production and trade;

27) Implementation of the measures pursuant to the Law.

In performing the functions from Article 146 of the Law, veterinary inspector has the authority and obligation to:

1) Order measures to eliminate, prevent, suppress and eradicate infectious, parasitic and breeding animal diseases in a suspicious, i.e. infected backyard;

2) Order a temporary suspension of a facility construction or reconstruction, i.e. to temporarily prohibit the use of a facility which had been constructed or reconstructed against the prescribed veterinary and sanitary conditions, and to determine measures and deadlines for reconciling facilities with the aforementioned conditions;

3) Prohibit the production of and trade in animals, products of animal origin, food of animal origin and animal refuse which can transmit infectious animal diseases, i.e. which can endanger human health;

4) Order the seizure, slaughter or killing of animals on the market, destruction of products of animal origin, food of animal origin in production and trade, i.e. to order its use for other purposes;

5) Order the removal of deficiencies, i.e. to temporarily prohibit the use of facilities, equipment and premises, and to possibly impose a ban on the renewal of activities in the facilities from Article 72 of the Law, until the identified deficiencies are eliminated;

6) Order other measures and take other actions in accordance with the Law.

The measures referred to in Section 1 of this Article shall be introduced by the decision of a veterinary inspector in an administrative procedure.



  • Telephone: +381 10 360-383

  • Telephone: +381 064 868-0366